Iraq war vet makes one-of-a-kind faith film!

During the Iraq War, a fire was ignited in David Helling’s soul. The 22-year old Marine, far from home and far from God for years, was drawn to pick up his Bible. Not knowing where to start, he just decided to read about David, whose name he shared. As he was reading consistently, God was suddenly opening his eyes, giving him a new passion for the gospel – and a future in filmmaking.

“I started reading the Bible, and couldn’t get enough,” David said, describing when he was holed up in one of Saddam Hussein’s artillery bunkers. “God’s Word came alive for me,” David said, “as I read I was seeing facial expressions, and biblical characters moving as if on screen. If I could show others this reality through film, I believed it would draw people to the Word.”

With tuition benefits from the G.I. Bill, David was able to attend film school at San Francisco’s Academy of Art University, where he determined to learn all that he could to make films from Scripture. David learned how to do his own visual effects, and even how to design and sew costumes. After film school, David was writing and directing his own biblical short films, and in 2019 he wrote and directed his first feature – a dramatic story of Abraham’s call to go to Mt. Moriah and sacrifice his promised son, Isaac, a foreshadowing of God’s ultimate plan to redeem His chosen people through the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus.

David’s producer died of cancer before he was able to see the film finished – and post production stalled out in the final stages for lack of finishing funds. But now, with the help of generous Christian Film Finishing Fund donors, His Only Son is on track to be completed and distributed this year. 

Kappa Studios’ Paul Long and Brad Silverman have enjoyed fellowship with David and are grateful to be able to assist and encourage David through CFFF, and to keep his dream alive to bring all of Scripture to life on the big screen.

“Abraham and Sarah waited with faith for decades,” David said. “I watch the film now and cry, because Abraham’s life speaks to my life… this has been the most excruciating four years of my life. I hope, because of how hard this has been, that it bears much fruit around the world.”


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